Monday, September 26, 2011

statistic stories

A recent one day snapshot of the inmate makeup of Kenora's District Jail (our 'local' detention centre) provides the following:

Jail's official capacity: 95 inmates
Total number of inmates on Sep 23, 2011: 165
Percentage in custody awaiting trial: 52 (86 persons)
Percentage of total inmates who are Aboriginal: 83
Percentage of total inmates who are women: 18 (30 persons)
Percentage of women who are Aboriginal: 100

Numbers alone, of course, provide slight and insufficient insight into cause, meaning, and consequence. But for me they are irrefutable reminders of how colonial injustices, sown into lives and communities sometimes years before their very birth, continue to fester, to provoke fresh spasms of anguish, violence, injury and loss. And how our legal culture of individualistic capture, blame, and punishment pays so little heed to these long-embedded facts. These numbers scream, but are, most horribly, being less and less listened to by those with the power to create different outcomes, less sickening stats.

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